Sunday, January 23, 2011

Having a Dream

Randy and I have dreamed for some years now about having a passive solar home. We bought 2.47 acres on a south slope in central Washington and sat on it until we could both retire, sell the house in western Washington and move. We designed a basic house and turned it over to Winter Sun Design to have it designed into a code-worthy home. On November 29, 2010 the western Washington  house sold and on Dec 1 we were living with our kids and grandkids in their small central Washington home. On Dec 2 we had  a signed contract with our contractor, SAR Construction, Inc. Soon the excavation started.

Our new passive solar home will be built with Faswall block. The Faswall material is ideal for this environment and will help keep us cool in the summertime and warm in the winter. It will give us strong, fire-proof walls and a quiet interior.


  1. This is great--to be able to see your dream taking shape. I'll enjoy this post. Mom

  2. It really is great but when do you find the time?
